Social Isolation and Youth

Social Isolation and Youth

Social Isolation and Youth

One of the greatest concerns as we move through Covid is the impact on mental health as a result of social isolation on youth. Specifically in regards to young people, the social isolation of Covid could and likely will have a significant and lasting impact.  In the aftermath of Covid 19, life will revert back to normal for most adults, but the reality is that there will be large number of our young people that will not revert back. For many there may be a very dark new normal.

To put this in context let’s look closer at social isolation.

Social Isolation As Punishment

Question: What is the most severe way that society punishes those that offend in society?
Answer:  Prison. Incarceration. Social Isolation.

A step further.

Question: What is the most severe way that the criminal justice system punishes inmates who offend in prison? 
Answer: Solitary confinement. More accurately, extreme social isolation.

Next to capital punishment solitary confinement is the most severe method of punishing those who offend within the prison system. From what I understand it it horrible. Although some may consider solitary confinement inhumane, for those adults in the prison system this punishment can usually be rationalized. Generally, they know why this social isolation is happening and they know how long the social isolation will last. Regardless of the fairness of this punishment, the situation is understandable to those involved even if they do not feel it is justified.

Youth Mental Health

Tragically, I don’t think we can say the same for a large number of young people immersed in varying degrees of social isolation. In contrast to an inmate in a penitentiary, do our young people fully understand why this is happening? Likely not. Do they know when it will end? No one does. Can they fully rationalize anything about this? It is hard for most grown adults. Will they be severely impacted for long term? Time will tell, but most experts agree that the stress of Covid, the uncertainty of our future and the social isolation will have a monumental impact on mental health of youth in far greater number than those falling seriously ill to the Covid pandemic. 

In our country and all over the world there is an unnatural condition of social isolation going on. To be clear, let’s just call it low grade mass solitary confinement. Although currently not our number one concern, this social isolation is already having a massive impact on mental health and will have greater impact in the short and long term future. With this in mind, health experts are predicting a  need for much more mental health support which may or may not be available to all families. 

Prevention is the key here. What can we as parents, teachers, school counselors, etc. do to protect our children and prevent this from becoming a youth anxiety crisis that impacts an entire generation for years to come? 

Mental Health and Trauma

Mental Health and Trauma

There is a crisis that hardly gets talked about. If we look closely at almost any major city there is an enormous problem that hides in the crevices. Vancouver’s downtown eastside is exactly this. A growing crisis of homelessness, addiction, abuse, sex trade, violence, poverty, crime, etc. However hidden from the shopping districts, the residential towers, the pristine forests, and the suburbs, this is a very real part of the landscape that is Vancouver.

The DTES of Vancouver is a war zone. It looks like an apocalyptic movie set. It is getting bigger and more people are becoming a part of this ignored demographic to the point where it cannot be ignored. This is not just Vancouver. Every major city has this problem and it is growing. How did it happen? Why does it continue? How can it be stopped or at least reduced?

We can dismiss this to people who have made bad choices. Maybe  even assume these are people who are lazy. People who chose to live this way. However we may generalize, there is a way of looking at this that can help identify the root problem. Although, each person has their own story and their own path that led them to this life, in a majority of the cases there is a common denominator. Mental health issues as a result of trauma. The common denominator is trauma and subsequent mental health issues.

We often consider PTSD in terms of first responders, military, and people who have witnessed or been a part of a singular horrific incident. In the case of people living on the street, ongoing childhood and youth trauma plays a huge part. How does physical abuse impact a child? Sexual assault? Growing up with alcoholic or drug addicted parents? Ongoing emotional abuse? Witnessing domestic violence? Neglect? We would be terribly naive to think that these ongoing conditions that many children grow up in do not heavily impact the choices they make, the associations they have, and the paths of their lives.

Intergenerational trauma is the real deal. A parent who was traumatized as a child grows up mentally, and emotionally fractured. If not addressed, as adults they pass this trauma onto the people around them. Namely their own children, or nieces and nephews. These children grow up carrying the pain and trauma of their parents and then pass this onto the next generation. The cycle continues indefinitely until someone breaks it. 

How do we stop this? How do we break these perpetual cycles? How do we protect the next generation? I have a strong belief that there is a role that schools in partnership of child services can play a big part in this. Understanding that these are people, they were once someone’s child and that something horrible happened to them along the way. Like all God’s children, they are in need of love, compassion, and prayers not judgement.

Sailing Away

All Smiles Blog

Sailing Away

A Homeless Man Rocks the Piano and it Changes His Life

This story continues. This video went viral and doors started opening up for this man. 

It appears that this video has helped reunite him with his son who he has not seen for 15 years after he was taken away by social services. 

Social Isolation and Youth

Social Isolation and Youth One of the greatest concerns as we move through Covid is the impact on mental health as a result of social isolation on youth. Specifically in regards to young people, the social isolation of Covid could and likely will have a significant...

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Sarajevo a Story of Survival

I forced the breath into my lungs, hopelessly trying to stay calm while my heart is beating in every fiber of my body feeling it loudest in my throat and ears. Pressed against the wall the smell of gunpowder thick in the air, and the sporadic reverberations of gunfire...

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In my time of growing up, my city of Sarajevo was made famous for two momentous events. We captured world headlines with the 1984 winter olympics and one of the most bloody wars in modern history. Ironically, these events occurred less than a decade apart. I was born...

Sailing Away

All Smiles BlogSailing Away A Homeless Man Rocks the Piano and it Changes His LifeThis story continues. This video went viral and doors started opening up for this man.  It appears that this video has helped reunite him with his son who he has not seen for 15 years...

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Music in Italy

Uplift Blog Music in Italy Shut in or not this musician plays his heart for his Italian balcony audience.

Music in the Streets

All Smiles Blog Music in the Streets This musician plays his heart out for his Italian balcony audience. This is a wonderful example of the power of music and the power of human connection triumphing in tough times.

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Music in the Streets

All Smiles Blog

Music in the Streets

This musician plays his heart out for his Italian balcony audience.

This is a wonderful example of the power of music and the power of human connection triumphing in tough times.

Anxiety and Communication: Talking Through Pain (Part 1)

Talking Through Anxiety: Communication for Healing Anxiety, depression and other stress related conditions have been traditionally very difficult to talk about. Thankfully, this is changing. The world has become more aware of anxiety conditions. Mental and emotional...

Anxiety Blog

Anxiety Blog This is a venue for information on anxiety, depression and stress related conditions. It is meant to provide content that helps people understand emotional conditions and to provide direction for healing. 

Mental Health and Trauma

There is a crisis that hardly gets talked about. If we look closely at almost any major city there is an enormous problem that hides in the crevices. Vancouver’s downtown eastside is exactly this. A growing crisis of homelessness, addiction, abuse, sex trade,...

Supporters Blog

Supporters BlogThis blog is intended to help those friends, family and loved ones trying to help those suffering from stress related conditions. This area will provide information on anxiety and depression and strategies to help those suffering. If you would like to...

Friends and Family with Anxiety

To help the friends, family and partners of those suffering anxiety, the friends and family blog forum was created. The people who support their loves one with anxiety have a tough job. Anxiety, depression, ptsd, and other stress related conditions are painful. These...

Sarajevo: A Story of Survival

Sarajevo: A Survival Story Liliana survived one of the most violent and horrifying wars in modern history. This is the story of her life in the war and eventual escape. Unfortunately, surviving the war was just the beginning. 

Sarajevo a Story of Survival

I forced the breath into my lungs, hopelessly trying to stay calm while my heart is beating in every fiber of my body feeling it loudest in my throat and ears. Pressed against the wall the smell of gunpowder thick in the air, and the sporadic reverberations of gunfire...

1-In the Beginning…

In my time of growing up, my city of Sarajevo was made famous for two momentous events. We captured world headlines with the 1984 winter olympics and one of the most bloody wars in modern history. Ironically, these events occurred less than a decade apart. I was born...

All Smiles: Good News

A Blog for SmilesWith all that is going on, it is sometimes hard to smile. Well, let's see if we can change that. Here are positive stories, jokes, pics and analogies from around the world to bring light to your day. Remember it is always darkest before the dawn.

Music in the Streets

All Smiles Blog Music in the Streets This musician plays his heart out for his Italian balcony audience. This is a wonderful example of the power of music and the power of human connection triumphing in tough times.

Sailing Away

All Smiles BlogSailing Away A Homeless Man Rocks the Piano and it Changes His LifeThis story continues. This video went viral and doors started opening up for this man.  It appears that this video has helped reunite him with his son who he has not seen for 15 years...

Good News From Chinese Medical Centers

Chinese Temporary Medical Center Closing, This is a Good Thing Some Chinese temporary hospitals are closing for all the right reasons. Since being assembled in reaction to the coronavirus outbreak these facilites have taken in thousands of patients. The successful...

Music in Italy

Uplift Blog Music in Italy Shut in or not this musician plays his heart for his Italian balcony audience.