Is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? When it comes to Information and anxiety it can be a double edged sword.

Yes, it is true we can get too much information. When my wife first started getting anxiety symptoms*** she did not know they were anxiety symptoms. This information would have been good to know. Unfortunately, this was the beginning of a long journey on the road of information. We have seen it time and time again since my wife’s recovery… googleitis. So many people get googleitis, or the impulse to obsessively online search. As logical as this seems, this process can create huge mental and emotional havoc that is detrimental to stress related conditions.
It was really hard to see her searching and searching for information on anxiety and seemingly becoming so confused. Watching this, as a husband and a friend it panicked me, frustrated me, and confused me. It felt like the more she searched the worse she got.
After countless turns through the revolving door of specialists reviewing her symptoms and eliminating conditions, someone finally concluded that this was anxiety. That is when it got really scary. As a great unknown, her search for information on anxiety ignited. Seemingly uncontrollable, I became really worried. She was on so many online sites and talking to so many people it was like a barrage of information. This information, unfortunately most of which was conflicting and really fear inflicting did not seem to help.
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The Outcome
Thankfully, as a very intelligent person she was able to decipher through the mountains of content and extract what she needed. She came in contact with some amazing therapists and sources of information. These connections were invaluable. The sources of information that she found were trustworthy and effective. Although not all of the info and strategies worked for her, as we are all different, it helped all of us to get a better understanding. The importance of this research and it’s impact on our lives is a primary factor in creating this site as a resource for those suffering from anxiety, depression and stress related conditions.
In hindsight, her science research background helped tremendously that she was eventually able to find credible content and discard the loads of detrimental info. Not to say we did not go off on some wild, fruitless and possibly damaging searches, me included, but we found the answers that we needed. It took time. It was not easy. We made mistakes. Most importantly we found success. So will you.