Coaching VS Psychotherapy

Coaching can be very helpful and instrumental in many facets of life. Depending on specializations coaches can help direct people onto the path of recovery from illness and injury or can be a vital component in guiding people to leading better personal and professional lives.

Good coaches work with their clients and together construct attainable goals and methods of achieving them. Getting away from the one size fits all approach, clients can expect a personalized experience that is customized to their needs, wants and aspirations.

Coaching is different from therapy, psychotherapy and counseling. Coaches don’t diagnose, repair, analyze or prescribe medication. Although coaching can be emotionally effective and profound, coaches don’t focus on issues of pathology or unresolved psychological issues of the past.

Although we focus on the whole person with all their experiences, joys and sorrows, coaches concentrate on the present and future rather than digging into the past.

Horizons Health and Wellness
Legal Disclaimer Notice

The information contained within Horizons Health and Wellness or is not a substitute for professional advice such as a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, or Psychotherapist.

The information provided by does not constitute legal or professional advice nor is it intended to be.

Diagnosing psychological or medical conditions is for medical professionals (Physicians, Psychiatrists and/or Phycologists), not for a Life Coach.

Any decisions you make, and the consequences thereof are your own. Under no circumstances can you hold liable for any actions that you take. You agree not to hold Horizons Health and Wellness,  Liliana Tosic, Life Coach and Nutrition Science Practitioner, or Todd Polich, Life Coach and Art Therapist liable for any loss or cost incurred by you, or any person related or associated with you, as a result of materials, service, advice, techniques, or coaching, offered by Horizon Health and Wellness.